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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Built Website Design Starting At $500.00!


When you have your website built from the ground up using SEO Internet marketing tactics properly, your website will achieve multiple first page results so your customers can find your business thereby giving you a chance to compete for their business.  I can get your site hose results, it's up to you to sell them.  I will consult with you on the best ways to accomplish this as well as building your site, teaching you how to grow your business online, brainstorming ideas on how to increase sales and more.  You will learn the tactics to online marketing for future growth of your website too. 


These days, everyone finds everything they are looking for on their mobile cell, IPad, tablet or computer.  If you are not on the first 2 pages, you will not be a candidate for business from your potential customers, that is a fact.  Publications are risky at best, you need to hope your advertisement is in front of the person looking for what you offer at the time they are looking and that they find you there.  Not only that, but they don't know if you are close by them or far away.  If it is a business that relies on servicing customers that are close by, well, you get the picture.


Google has increased the sponsored ads per page and the local listings to 5 thereby only allowing sometimes 5 organic listings to show up on the first page.  So often going to the 2nd page is the only way you will see additional choices.


One thing that you need to realize is that search engines, especially Google, are in the business to make money on sponsored ads, so an organic listing is not high on thier priority list to help you, the business owner, get ranked.  So taking advice from them on how to get your site to rank is often times very foolish, especially when they will tell you what you should do, then in a few months, they yank that advice out of the results, then people scramble to the paid advertising to get back on the first page, and those are based upon a bid basis so unless you are paying the top dollar, you will be in a rotation or somewhere people can't find you. 


I want you to think about the sponsored ads you see, and when was the last time you actually clicked or bought from one of those sponsored listings?  Exactly.  By buying sponsored ads, you are basically just standing outside your business handing money to anyone that walks by, and as often as they want to walk buy, you must give them money.  Bottom line, your profit shrinks drastically.


Contact Us To Discuss Your Business  or leave a message at 605-221-4477

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